Feb 27, 2013

Agua Con

So i tried this new flavored water called "AGUA CON" aguascon.com 
I had me the "lima limon" one, and yeah it tastes like when ur mom makes a gallon of "bomb home made lemonade" and everyone drinks it, but there's a lil' bit left, so ur mom fills it up again with water to make more, and she puts it in the fridge because she forgot to pick up your lil brother from school and she rush's to school. So she forgets to put the rest of the ingredients in the water, so u come home thirsty from work and open the fridge to drink from that full gallon thinking its just water, so you drink some and it has that hint of limon from the leftover lemonade, which its not strong just a hint of it.
Exactly how it tastes. haha.
Im assuming the rest of the flavors are the same.
 good and refreshing, specially really cold.

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